Wesfolk Outcast
Born in the Wesfolk aristocracy, she and her people were excluded from society by their lords, who betrayed their loyalty when a war against Haldric’s people was being lost. This outcast still conserves her nobleness in her veins and in the battlefield she has earned valuable experience, which she can lend to her people for turning a fight in their favor.
Aire sònraichte:This unit is capable of distracting opponents, allowing allied units to trespass their Zones of Control and move unhindered around them. Leigidh an ceannardas aig an aonad seo leis na h-aonadan mu chuairt a leanas an aon taobh barrachd dochainn a thoirt seachad ann an sabaid, ged nach obraich seo ach do dh’aonadan air ìre ìosal.
Àrdaichidh e bho: | |
Àrdaichidh e gu: | Wesfolk Lady |
Cosgais: | 18 |
PB: | 33 |
Gluasad: | 7 |
PE: | 40 |
Level: | 1 |
Co-thaobhadh: | coimeasgach |
ID | Wesfolk Outcast |
Comasan: | distract, ceannardas |
Ionnsaighean (damage - count)
staff dlùth | 5 - 2 bualadh | ||
sling astar | 4 - 3 bualadh |
lann | -30% | bioradh | -20% | |||
bualadh | -20% | teine | 0% | |||
fuachd | 0% | dìomhair | 20% |
Cosgais ghluasaid | |||
Cruth-tìre | Dìon | ||
Badan balgain-bhuachair | 2 | 70% | |
Baile | 1 | 70% | |
Beanntan | 3 | 70% | |
Boglach | 2 | 40% | |
Caisteal | 1 | 70% | |
Cnuic | 2 | 70% | |
Coille | 2 | 70% | |
Do-choiseach | - | 0% | |
Gaineamh | 2 | 40% | |
Reòite | 2 | 40% | |
Riof cladaich | 2 | 50% | |
Rèidh | 1 | 60% | |
Tanalach | 2 | 40% | |
Uamh | 2 | 50% | |
Uisge domhain | - | 0% |